Friday, June 25, 2010

How to overcome the hard drive badsector


Bad sector, when they hear the word, and we believe that we have disabled the hard disk or corrupted. Therefore, we must first understand what is meant by the bad sectors, Why We're an bad sectors on the hard drive and how to manage.

Bad sectors are defined as follows:

1. The damage to information on the presence of care sector childhood (1 Sector = 512 bytes) so that the code identifying the sector was not recognized. This is called the type of damaged is corrected.
2. The response is very slow in the sector, an area usually must provide a response signal when the information requested by the President of the hard disk within 500 milliseconds. If tolerance is exceeded, and then assumed to be corrupt sector (magnetic material deterioration in this sector.) Is called the damage ABRT (Address Block Rellocated Time Out)
3. Can not read the title of this sector (in hex) when received by the head of hard drives. This is called the damage AMNF = find the address marker
4. Unable to read excerpts from the address (RelLoc sector - sector parts) by the President of the hard disk. This is called the damage IDNF id = sector not found.

Damages resulting from the above:

One. Deterioration of magnetic materials because of intensive operations in the area of the ITU-T for literacy or corrupt data disk substrate coating (thin and media)
2. Error writing and reading of the leading element (~ on the Elimination of the position error read / write) because of excessive heat from the system (the President of the magnetic response at the level of a certain temperature)
3. ~ Instability when input voltage President of the Executive are not consistent with data speed of rotation of the disk, and axes XYZ) is not read coordinates and head downward to the presidency of the event (after passing the threshold, scratches, surface data disk)

Taking into account the above information, we can conclude.

1. Can occur bad sectors, or at least started to cause symptoms of damage in the area if the system becomes unstable power (especially power)
2. Bad sector more than 99% due to the physical components (deterioration of the substrate and the magnetic head low)
3. The program only about 1% of cases of bad sectors (MHDD, Victoria and RHDD HDDL is an exception of functions, in particular) taking account of the function of the TSB software. If the program uses the process of writing read very intense part of a second (such as when to torture test), then there is the possibility of a hard disk bad sectors, but even this has helped, "" by the basement and a sign of weakness magnetic heads low.

Tool commonly used to improve the logical bad sectors:

1. MHDD ( or HDDScan
2. Victoria (
6. HDD Repair Utility


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